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Ned Kelly Discovery Hub

We produced two multi-projector immersive productions for the new Ned Kelly Discovery Hub in Glenrowan. Titled “The Contest for Land” and “The Siege” they explore the social, political and rise of the bushranger in North East Victoria in the 1880’s.

National Archives of Australia: Develop a Print

This 5 touch-screen interactive experience was created for ‘Focus: Australian government photographers’ an exhibition at the National Archives of Australia. In the digital world, to print a photograph is as simple as copying the file from a mobile device or digital camera to a computer, then sending it to a printer. In the analogue world, this process is far more complicated. The Photo-lab interactive is a digital reimagining of the traditional photographic process of printing a positive image from the original negative. In the context of the Focus: Australian government photographers exhibition, the Photo-lab is an immersive experience where a visitor chooses a negative to be printed on a photographic darkroom enlarger, and follows the process of seeing the exposed negative fading up to a positive print in the developing tray.

Discover Polly Woodside

Discover Polly Woodside is an interactive on-line resource produced for the National Trust of Victoria. Polly Woodside is an historic museum ship dry docked at South Wharf. Launched in 1885 in Belfast, the Polly Woodside made 17 trips around the world and operated between Australia and New Zealand. She was used as a coal ship following World War Two, and by 1968 was the last square-rigged deep-water commercial sailing ship still afloat in Australasia.

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Winx IV

WINX 1V, is the opening title sequence produced for a documentary by Dickson Films based on the Australian thoroughbred racehorse ‘Winx’. She won 37 of 43 career starts, including, between May 2015 and her retirement in April 2019, her last 33 races in succession, including 25 Group 1s. Peter Dickson is a prolific producer and director of sport related documentaries and the WINX 1V is just one of the many motion graphic sequences The Pod has created for Dickson Films.

Queenscliff Discovery Trail

Queenscliff, situated at the mouth of Port Phillip Bay, has a rich history of settlement, fishing and boatbuilding. It is also home to the renowned Port Phillip Pilots, one of Victoria’s oldest institutions. Littered with turrets and colonial era buildings, the town still looks much like it did over a century ago.
The trail is made up of five interactive kiosks positioned in and around Queenscliff Harbour.
This video illustrates the amazing story of convict William Buckley, his escape from a penal settlement and acceptance by the local aborigines in 1803.

The Pod produced 25 videos covering the history of The Land and The Sea in and around Queenscliff and the Queenscliff Harbour. This video explains the history of the Sea Pilots and the shipping channels required to be navigated by today’s massive super-tankers.

The Bark Endeavour

To celebrate the 250th anniversary of Captain Cook’s mapping of the east coast of Australia, the federal government allocated funds to the Australian National Maritime Museum to manage and sail the replica HMS Bark Endeavour on a promotional tour circumnavigating Australia.
The Endeavour is usually moored at the Museum and is a favourite amongst the visitors. To overcome this The Pod produced a cinematic 360 VR experience to be installed at the Museum as a virtual replacement for their visitors.

MD Solutions

A comparative explainer video that highlights the key differences between rapid antigen and polymerase chain reaction COVID-19 tests.

National Sports Museum @ The MCG

Australians have competed at every Olympic Games in the modern era and hosted the games in Melbourne in 1956 and Sydney in 2000. A series of vignettes showcasing historic performances was created for the Olympic Gallery.